What After Fourth Round Allotment in CCMT M.Tech Admission ?

What After Fourth Round Allotment in CCMT M.Tech Admission ?

A fourth round of seat allotment that takes into account the modified choices of all eligible candidates will be displayed on the website as per the schedule given.

All candidates who are allotted a seat in the fourth round should report directly to the Allotted Institutes during the period given in Schedule . Candidates who do not report to the Allotted Institute will lose their claim on the allotted seat.

14th Round of allotment12th July 2014Sat
2Physical Reporting to allotted Institute15-18 July 2014Tue-Fri
3Withdrawal15-18 July 2014Tue-Fri
4Classes startAs per the Institute Schedule
5Vacancy declaration19th July 2014Sat
6Institute Spot

(will be managed by the respective institutes)

21 to 24 July 2014Mon-Thu

ccmt 2014 4th round

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2 thoughts on “What After Fourth Round Allotment in CCMT M.Tech Admission ?”

  1. Sir
    I have completed my b.tech in power engineering (spl. in mechanical).
    Am I eligible for taking admission in m.tech under thermal branch or machine design .
    Please suggest me so that I prepare for gate 2015.

  2. Sir,
    I Have valid GATE score but problame is that i have my Btech degree in 2nd class,so is there is any NIT having Btech criterion 2nd class?


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